Thursday, October 28, 2010

Guild Feature : ANBU

So today i got a chance to chat with the Gallian Lord Marshal Guild Leader Caladbolg, and he was kind enough to let me ask him a few questions.About his Guild and Gallia,check below for the fill Q&A(Questions & Answers) session.

Guild : ANBU
Guild Leader : Caladbolg

Hi Calad,

Q)Can you give us a little history about "ANBU"? What other MMOs have you been active in, if any?

A)Hmm... I made ANBU when gallia is on its dark ages, to unite all players that is on different guilds, to avoid drama and other conflicts with other guilds.I played lots of MMos, but "Caladbolg" became Caladbolg on RFph, a former Race Leader of the Bellato, after that, I played ROHAN, but didnt reached max level ^^ I played Aika NA too, but quit because of the IPban, I've waited for AikaPH, but
thanks to t3fun, they released Aika Global so here i am :)

Q)Tell us a little bit about yourself, your MMO background and your role in "ANBU".

A)I'm friendly and competitive :) but the most important thing in playing is that you must enjoy what you're doing, like me. :) I think i already stated my MMo background on the first question, hehe. My Role in ANBU is to keep my members doing the right thing and always on the right path. We trust each other ^_^

Q)Does your guild have a website?

A)Naah, but we do have a fanpage!/pages/ANBU-Aika-Global/155077617864145 :)

Q)What type of Guild is ANBU (PvP,PvE,friendly etc..) ?

A)It's both PVP and PVE type, but we're always active on raids and stuffs, and Honor Hunting on other nations ^_^

Q)What are your guild's goals in AikA Global?

A)To lead and bring Gallia to the top :)

Q)I understand that ANBU is now a lord marshal guild,how does ANBU plan on creating a good nation for all ?

A)We must fix the guild conflicts on Gallia first, lots of strong guilds wants to be LM,Gallians must cooperate in order to create a good nation :)

Q)What are the guild members and atmosphere in "ANBU" like? What is the average age?

A)Lots of naughty players XD haha! Ages are around 16 - 30+, btw... im 18 XD
I always do my best in disciplining them XD it's hard though... XD

Q)How is "ANBU" structured ( How do the rankings work in guild etc..what do you expect from your officers ? )?

A)We have no rankings :) all members are equal to each other ^_^

Q)Do you have an active forum, do you use voice software like Ventrilo or Teamspeak?

A)Active forum no, i guess our fanpage, but we do use Ventrillo sometimes, sponsored by Neonspyder ^_^

Q )Do you raid as a Guild ( Pve or PvP raids ) if so, how many weekly raid days have you planned for ?

A)We raid everyday, we always invite all legions to come on our raids, everyone's welcome in our raid ^^

Q)What sets "ANBU" apart from the other guilds out there?

A)I guess we always do what's best for the nation, for Gallia :)

Q)How can interested players go about joining "ANBU" and what are the requirements?

A)We're friendly :) haha! my only requirement is to be Loyal and be a lvl 40, but lvl 50s is our priority ^^

Q)Describe "ANBU" in 3 words ( i dare you! )

A)"What The F" XD hahaha!

Q)Anything else you would like to add about your guild ?

A)"Pinoy Zerg Infestation" in Gallia hahaha!

Thanks Calad!


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ready or Not here Gallia come, you cant hide!

So So So Gallia has been on form latley and it is safe to say has recovered from any previous hinderences affecting the nation.Below i took a video of a recent raid of the Mighty Gallia! a nation to behold and cherish!!!!

Long Live Gallia :D


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Gallia on Life Support

Drama and Castle Sieges don't mix well.

Dear Gallians,

Gallia is becoming but another empty nation. It appears that the exile scrolls have done more harm than good. Reports of groups of players and whole legions are moving out to other nations. More than half of Sicarus has moved away and there is also unconfirmed rumors that AeisLegion will be leaving as well.

The reason being for their moving is the countless drama and "power struggles". Some people think though that it's just they can't just bear each other's egos, a point which I am inclined to agree as I have observed at the by-lines.

Shifting alliances, moody players, greedy tyrants and innocent bystanders. Whatever group you may belong to, we are all affected. Gone are the golden days of Gallia and into the dark ages we plunge. Still, I encourage all remaining Gallians to continue to be loyal to the flag that we have sworn our allegiance to. Be steadfast and patient as the remaining Legions are trying to pull us out of this predicament.

If I may, off the record, I just think that leaving Gallia just because you can't get what you want is cowardly and absurd. I can't believe that people would rather leave than find common ground so that everyone could prosper. Then again, that's just my own opinion.

To show you're support, please be there when we need to defend or capture relics. Just showing up will mean a lot to us that remain loyal.

Your humble Servant,
Senator Aizuka
Council of Regenshein (Philippines)
The Proud Nation of Gallia

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Senate love you!

Yes,yes i made a very feminine picture to express the Senate's love for you guys but...but..ok no excuses im in touch with my feminine side today! for the less feminate among you the below image is meant with the best possible intentions.(lol)

The basic logic behind this post is to let you guys know that all of us in the senate are throthing at the mouth for a chance to answer your questions ( newbie or complex! ) or just plainly assist you in game (or try) so please dont hesitate to ask us anything yes i mean ANYTHING!( well not anything but anything within reason! :P )

Uh oh! i feel my feminen (did i spell that right ? ) side coming along..( franticly pulling hands away from keyboard)aaaargh!

Roses are red... ( and gallia to! )
violets are blue... ( with a hint of purple :3 )
Gallia is awesome... ( yes it's true! )
and so are the Senate here to assist you! ( major cringeeee at myself right now! )


And a big thumbs up to Aizuka for creating a wonderful AikA gallia blog! Go Aizuka!


Blog Redesign

Master, I'm hungry!

Implemented a new design to the blog. Took me a while to find some decent layouts to modify. I will be adding more elements as the day passes and when needed. In the meantime, please leave a message at the side on our message ticker or join us in chat.

Fellow Gallian citizens! Please look forward to this blog as your Senators will post relevant news and information pertaining to Aika Global. If you have any queries please feel free to contact us Senators (Aizuka, Warbs, Hillslayer) or any available GM.