Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Gallia on Life Support

Drama and Castle Sieges don't mix well.

Dear Gallians,

Gallia is becoming but another empty nation. It appears that the exile scrolls have done more harm than good. Reports of groups of players and whole legions are moving out to other nations. More than half of Sicarus has moved away and there is also unconfirmed rumors that AeisLegion will be leaving as well.

The reason being for their moving is the countless drama and "power struggles". Some people think though that it's just they can't just bear each other's egos, a point which I am inclined to agree as I have observed at the by-lines.

Shifting alliances, moody players, greedy tyrants and innocent bystanders. Whatever group you may belong to, we are all affected. Gone are the golden days of Gallia and into the dark ages we plunge. Still, I encourage all remaining Gallians to continue to be loyal to the flag that we have sworn our allegiance to. Be steadfast and patient as the remaining Legions are trying to pull us out of this predicament.

If I may, off the record, I just think that leaving Gallia just because you can't get what you want is cowardly and absurd. I can't believe that people would rather leave than find common ground so that everyone could prosper. Then again, that's just my own opinion.

To show you're support, please be there when we need to defend or capture relics. Just showing up will mean a lot to us that remain loyal.

Your humble Servant,
Senator Aizuka
Council of Regenshein (Philippines)
The Proud Nation of Gallia

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